Stellaire International


Governing Student Conduct & Behaviour

We want you to enjoy your education and be able to pursue it to the best of your abilities. Your time here should be one of tremendous growth, exploration, and learning, but within the boundaries of guidelines that protect your rights as well as those of your fellow classmates, schoolmates, as well as teachers and staff at Stellaire International.

Stellaire International Student/Parent Handbook describes the expectations for behavior and conduct in the Academy and outlines the procedures to be followed when these expectations are not met. It is your road map, containing the policies and procedures that will guide you as a student while you live and grow in this community of scholars at Stellaire International.

DISCIPLINE is the silent force at work that breeds SUCCESS.

You will develop and learn when you engage in relationships with others and in activities that optimally challenge you. The goal of education, regardless Elementary, Secondary or University, is to help you to develop as a unique individual – to be educated as a whole person, intellectually, emotionally, socially, ethically and spiritually.

Stellaire International is a disciplined community, a place where individuals accept their obligations to others and where we strive to define transparent governance procedures to guide behavior for the common good.

  1. The Right to Learn
  2. Freedom of Speech
  3. Student conduct during Lessons and Prep Classes
  4. Attendance
  5. Homework
  6. Care of Personal Property
  7. Electronic Devices, Cellular Phones, Tablets etc
  8. Dress Code and Appearance
  9. Serious Misconduct or Repeated Misconduct
  10. Alcohol / Drug Use / Tobacco
  11. Search & Seizure
  12. Cyber bullying
  13. Cheating, Lying, Plagerism and Forgery
  14. Disciplinary Procedure
  15. PE, Enrichment, School Trips & School Events
  16. First Aid
  17. Lunch Time
  18. Vehicles
  19. Entry to Staff room
  20. Parental Visits
  21. Campus Visitors
  22. Affirmation